Sitrak Used Howo Sitrak C7h Tractor Truck 4x2 for Sale tegljač

Ako odlučite da kupite opremu po niskoj ceni, proverite da li komunicirate sa pravim prodavcem. Saznajte više o vlasniku opreme. Jedan od načina prevare je da se predstavi kao prava kompanija. U slučaju sumnje, obavestite nas o tome radi dodatne kontrole, putem obrasca za povratne informacije.
Pre nego što odlučite da napravite kupovinu, pažljivo pregledajte nekoliko prodajnih ponuda kako biste razumeli prosečnu vrednost izabranog modela opreme. Ako je cena ponude koja vam se sviđa mnogo niža od sličnih ponuda, razmotrite je. Značajna razlika u ceni može ukazati na skrivene nedostatke ili pokušaj prodavca da izvrši prevaru.
Ne kupujte proizvode čija je cena suviše različita od prosečne cene slične opreme.
Ne dajte saglasnost na sumnjive zaloge i plaćanje robe unapred. U slučaju sumnje, ne bojte se da pojasnite detalje, tražite dodatne fotografije i dokumente za opremu, proverite autentičnost dokumenata i postavjate pitanja.
Najčešća vrsta prevare. Nepošteni prodavci mogu zatražiti određenu količinu kapare da "rezervišu" vaše pravo na kupovinu opreme. Dakle, prevaranti mogu sakupiti veliki iznos i nestanu, i više se ne pojave.
- Prenos pretplate na karticu
- Nemojte plaćati unapred bez izdavanja dokumenata koji potvrđuju postupak prenosa novca, ako je vam tokom komunikacije prodavac postao sumnjičav.
- Prenos na račun "poverenika"
- Takav zahtev treba biti alarmantan, najverovatnije komunicirate sa prevarantom.
- Prenos na račun kompanije sa sličnim nazivom
- Budite oprezni, prevaranti se mogu sakriti iza poznatih kompanija, neznatno menjajući njihov naziv. Nemojte prenositi sredstva ako vam je naziv kompanije sumnjiv.
- Zamena sopstvenih podataka u fakturi stvarne kompanije
- Pre prenosa proverite da li su navedeni podaci tačni i da se odnose na navedenu kompaniju.
Kontakti prodavca

The cockpit design of this used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale follows the humanized concept, and the interior space is spacious, so the driver can enjoy a comfortable experience during long driving. The seats of this used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale are made of high-grade leather material, which supports multi-directional adjustment. It can be adjusted to the best sitting position according to the needs of drivers of different body types to reduce fatigue. In addition, this used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale is equipped with an intelligent air-conditioning system, which can automatically adjust according to the temperature in the car to ensure that the driver always stays comfortable under different climatic conditions.
In terms of intelligent configuration, this used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale is equipped with the latest in-vehicle infotainment system and driving assistance system. This used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale is equipped with a high-definition touch screen, which supports multi-function operations such as navigation, entertainment, and multimedia playback, which improves the entertainment and convenience during driving.
This used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale adopts a 4X2 drive mode, which not only ensures the vehicle's power performance, but also improves fuel economy and driving stability. For long-distance logistics transportation, the drive mode of this used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale can better adapt to good road conditions such as highways and improve transportation efficiency. At the same time, the total traction mass of this used Howo Sitrak C7h tractor truck 4x2 for sale is 35,000kg, which can meet most logistics transportation needs.
Specification of Used Howo Sitrak C7h Tractor Truck 4x2 for Sale
Product Name: Used Howo Sitrak C7h Tractor Truck 4x2
Model: ZZ4186V361ME1B
Drive type: 4X2
Wheelbase: 3600mm
Rear axle speed ratio: 3.36
Body length: 6.22 meters
Body width: 2.496 meters
Body height: 3.98 meters
Vehicle weight: 6.8 tons
Total mass: 18 tons
Total traction mass: 35 tons
Maximum speed: 101km/h
Tonnage level: heavy truck
Engine model: Sinotruk MC11.40-50
Engine brand: Sinotruk
Number of cylinders: 6 cylinders
Fuel type: diesel
Cylinder arrangement: in-line
Displacement: 10.518L
Emission standard: Euro V
Maximum horsepower: 400 horsepower
Maximum output power: 294kW
Maximum torque: 1900N·m
Maximum torque speed: 1000-1400rpm
Rated speed: 1900rpm
Gearbox model: ZF16S2230 TO
Gearbox brand: ZF
Shift mode: manual
Forward gear: 16
Reverse gear: 2
Cab: high roof
Number of passengers: 3
Fuel tank layout: 560+250
Fuel tank capacity: 810L
Front axle: VGD060QB axle
Rear axle: MCY13
Number of springs: 3/5
Number of tires: 6
Tire specification: 295/80R22.5